20000705 - This, is the first issue. Hi folks! Well, most of you have probably been wondering: What will be in this news letter? The answer is simple: A variety of things which I find of interest. So I would like to begin by letting you know what I am interested in. Art, music, physical science, mathematics, programming, inventing, manufacturing, electronics, Web site design, and trying to make a buck. While I began programming back in 1975, I consider myself to be a novice to the internet and the world wide web, but, a novice who is actively learning. I now have a year of web design under my belt, and a list of folks who have communicated with me. You are on that list. If you don't wish to be, just let me know. If you wish to provide a comment or question for this news letter, just write. I will answer what I can and post what I may. So what's news worthy? What am I up to now? XML has gained my interest. I hear it is a compliment to HTML, and a necessity for webmasters to learn. So for those of you who are new to it as well, I would like to suggest that you visit my favorite web resource. This is the granddaddy of all web resources, the root from which web pages grow. http://www.w3.org/ There is more here than anywhere else I have visited. It is like, THE "source". If you are a serious developer you may wish to check into putting a privacy policy on your site. I also recommend looking into p3p (NEW, IMPORTANT.) http://www.w3.org/P3P/ I have just signed up to make money from the ProcessTree Network. This is a way to make money by letting others use your down time. Your computer downloads work to do, and uploads the work when done. You do ~nothing, just pick up the check. Here's the way it works... There are huge computing jobs like making animated movies, or processing weather models that require a tremendous amount of processing power. And there are millions of computers like yours and mine that just sit idle much of the time. The ProcessTree Network brings these two groups together. Those that have BIG computing jobs can now get them done faster and cheaper, and people like you and me can turn our computers into little money making machines. At least it should work that way. It is Super New, and one of those "ground floor opportunities" you hear about, and I have yet to make my first dollar doing anything on the web (except writing pages.) But this looks good to me. We're not talking about a lot of money. But it could be enough to pay for your online account or it could be some fun money as a credit with an online retailer. I will be getting a percentage bonus from the processing money of everyone that I sign up! So, check it out and please put my account number (37083) in the sign up form. (If you go through this link my number will be automatically entered.) http://www.processtree.com/?sponsor=37083 There is no obligation to stay in the network nor any commitment to actually process any jobs. If at some point in the future you decide this really isn't for you, you can just send them a message. Well, I need to go, as it is time for some real fireworks. A Happy 4th to my countrymen, and best wishes to the rest of you. Sincerely, Frank p.s. I REALLY do not want to be 'spamming' any of you. This 'address list' is quite small, and many of you are my close friends, but for those of you who do not know me, let me know your interests and challenges, and maybe we can find some mutual ground here. And again, if you want off this list, write. If you have something to say, write. fjdavies@yahoo.com