20001008 Hello everyone, Welcome to issue four of this newsletter. As you can see, I am sending this in HTML. Write me if you wish a text only version. (Put text in the subject line?) For those of you who have missed the earlier issues, you may view them here You will also find a copy of this newsletter soon. It has been a month since I last addressed all of you, and for the many folks receiving this for the first time let me assure you that I remove names when asked, and send this out only when I have something to say. So, on to the news. Have you seen Eric's new site KaraokeDJ.8k.com yet? Stop by and let him know what you think. Buy his new CD, that would trip him out! We've got to support the musician who frances. You would probably enjoy his music if you are reading this. We grew up with many of the same influences, and they are apparent in his compositions which, by the way, are performed by some of Olympia's finest musicians. I have mentioned Affinia in the past as a way of making an instant online store complete with products and all the other stuff you would expect from a major online dealer. Bad news here, they have have gone the way of the Dodo bird, extinct! More, I have not received my commissions! Too bad, they had something to offer in a nice package for free. This leaves only about 2 players left in this field, and I am left scrambling to fix what will soon be tons of broken links. For those of you who are flying my Seattle's Waterfront Mall banners, I will be sending you some new code as soon as possible, as the store is moving. Were your parents, or grandparents in the war (WWII)? My dad was, and I have placed some of his writings up at the History Channel's veterans.com site and a site called Military Connections. While our history extends all the way back to the Big Bang, recorded history is much shorter. Some of you may be in possession of photos, letters, knowledge of your family's personal history. Please begin taking the time to put them into this web. The color photographs in our shoe boxes will not last, and the (acid washed) paper we now use is very temporary. It is for the generations which follow; an example of compassion and concern for those we may never know. Write me if you need help or advice, I will do what I can. My mailbox is FILLED with offers to make me rich! Yours is too? Do any of them work? (Answer: probably yes.) Are they legitimate? (Answer: yes, some.) But it disturbs me a bit to see so many of them looking like scams. Sure we all need to get advertising exposure, (if we have a product), but let's watch out for those 'downlines'? I has been noticed that Amazon charges different amounts for the same product to different people. That is just not right! Sure a discount is fair at times, but we are moving into a time when the customer is able to contact the manufacturer directly through the internet, and there is less need for middle men or retailers. If you sell something, make sure it is a real product and something you can take pride in. Sorry, I do not mean to chastise, but hope to encourage folks to create wealth by creating real works. (And if you want to join my "4-level-email-list-service-for-$5.00 copy-and-pass-along-chain-letter", let me know.) Do you have a gallery of your art online? Is your prose online? Let's see some of YOU. If you have a site of real content let me know and I may include a link to it in this letter. Gee, that's fair isn't it? So, putting my money where my mouth is, let me point you to some photographs of mine and a few taken of my dad and his friends SCUBA diving in the early 1960's. Just for fun. If you are interested in getting some traffic to your site, may I recommend joining a webring? I 'ringmaster' several Yahoo rings and invite you to join one appropriate for your site. University-------for educational sites. Design-----------for those who design for the web. SCUBA------------for all things underwater Guitar-----------for luthiers, composers and performers. Oh! Before I sign off, may I ask, 'do you have an invention which needs developing?' Write me if you do, I may be able to help... (a lot!) I have years of manufacturing experience and the tools and machinery which might bring that idea to fruition. Sincerely, Frank Davies